Can Canon Make An R Series Camera Less Expensive Than The EOS RP? (yes, a Canon exec said)

Canon Firmware Eos Rp Kit

A new rumor surfaced, suggesting Canon is working on an entry level camera with a price point below the Canon EOS RP. All fine, but it’s nothing new and we knew before.

Back in April 2019, Michael Burnhill, European Technical Support Manager at Canon Europe said in an interview:

Question: Do you see a full-frame camera coming in at a price below the RP?

Michael Burnhill Yes.

The rumor source suggests Canon might release such an entry level camera with a price below $999 in the first half of 2021. A bit of a recycled one, this one.

However, even with a Canon exec saying there will be an entry level EOS R camera below the EOS RP, the question is: can Canon make and sell a full frame mirrorless camera that costs less than the actual RP price of $999? Might be difficult, in our opinion. What would be the price point, $700? Not realistic. If you have an idea how this might work out please let me know in the comment section.

All Canon rumors are listed here. Stay tuned.

Source: Canon Rumors

Canon EOS R With APS-C Rumor Surfaces Yet Again (now it’s 2021)

Canon Eos R With Aps-c

Some rumor are surprisingly smart when it comes to the perfect timing. The long running and now-and-then surfacing rumor about a Canon EOS R with APS-C sensor seems to belong to this category.

Just a few days after someone suggested Canon might kill the EOS M lineup, someone else suggests that Canon will release an EOS R model with crop sensor.

We always had a hard time to buy this rumor, independently of the source. The Canon EOS M lineup is well established, has a fond user base, and is a best seller with the EOS M50. So why the hell should Canon kill the EOS M lineup? And why should they come up with an EOS R camera with APS-C sensor? Wouldn’t even further fragment their offering?

However, the EOS R with with a crop sensor gets shifted fro year to year. It’s now rumored for 2021 but I bet in 8 or 10 months it will be rumored for 2022. I migth be wrong but I call the EOS-R-with-APS-C nothing but a fantasy (or bs, your mileage may vary). If someone has a compelling argument for such a camera, I’m listening.

Source: Canon Rumors

Are These The Canon EOS M7 Specifications (and is EOS M lineup at end of life)?

Canon Eos M50 Mark Ii

A set of alleged Canon EOS M7 specifications surfaced over the web. Are they real?

The Canon EOS M7 is rumored to be Canon’s next EOS M flagship. Personal View posted a set of possible Canon EOS M7 specifications, these:

  • 32mp APS-C sensor with DPAF II
  • IBIS (In Body Image Stabilisation, rumored to come to the EOS M lineup)
  • Slightly renewed DIGIC LSI
  • Cheap EVF, 2.36Mdots
  • Dual SD Cards, speed limits are same as 4 years old cameras
  • 12fps serial shooting, without AF active
  • 4K from 24p to 60p, using all APS-C sensor sampling
  • 1080p up to 120p (overheating at 120fps)
  • CLog mode for marketing purposes
  • $1599 price

All in all the specifications are plausible. Personal View doesn’t say anything about where they got these specifications. What they say, is that Canon “plans to destroy whole M lineup and all lenses as soon as 2021, but as camera [the EOS M7, editor’s note] had been developed for long they plan to sell it first“.

Rumors about the upcoming sudden dead of the EOS M lineup are nothing new and mostly suggest Canon will release an APS-C EOS R camera instead. Our take: while the specification list might be reliable, there is no way we buy the “destroy the whole M lineup” part. The EOS M50 is a blockbuster and sells extraordinarily well. There ar no reason to think Canon will not release an EOS M50 Mark II.

Time will tell.

What To Expect Next From Canon (Cinema, XC & XF cams, RF lenses, EOS M)

Canon Eos M50 Mark Ii

We can expect some more gear announcement by Canon within 2020.

It seems two different timeframes are to expect for announcements, one in August/September and another one towards November and December. However, to us it seems weird that Canon might announce gear in December, and August is almost over (but still rumored for announcements).

The gear Canon might announce:

As we said, the timeframe for all these announcements seems to be a bit tight but everything is still possible.

Stay tuned.

Source: Canon Rumors

These Are The Specs For The Canon EOS R300 (Cinema cam with RF mount)

Canon EOS R300 Canon 8k

A bunch of Canon Cinema cameras with RF mount were rumored since a while, now the specifications for the Canon EOS R300 leaked over the web.

The Canon EOS R300 might get announced in September, or maybe even in late August. These are the rumored specifiations:

  • Super 35mm 4K DGO sensor (same as Cinema EOS C300 Mark III)
  • No IBIS
  • RF Mount
  • Internal ND (10 Stops)
  • CLog 2 & CLog 3
  • 4:2:2 10bit onto SD cards up to 4K120 and 2K180
  • No RAW capability internally at launch
  • BP-A batteries
  • Price: US$6,299

Expect a small form factor for the EOS R300, possibly smaller than the EOS C100. All Canon rumors are listed here.

Source: Canon Rumors

New Canon Cameras Show Up At Certification Authority, Might Be Upcoming EOS M

Eos M

Yet unreleased Canon cameras showed up at a wireless certification authority. Are these the upcoming EOS M cameras?

Two unreleased Canon cameras with the SKUs DS126834 and DS126949 have been registered as certified by a certification authority. We think these cameras might be the rumored EOS M50 Mark II and/or EOS M7. A specification list that could refer to one of these cameras is also rumored. However, the SKUs could also refer to some entry-level DSLR replacement.

Stay tuned.

[via Nokishita]